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Monday, March 7, 2011

G-Rotator v1.40

G-Rotator is an application which uses G-Sensor to detect the orientation of the device to change the screen orientation respectively. Sensitivity of sensor and duration after which data from sensor has to be fetched is user-defined. Can be set to start on startup too.

Better Error handling capability [NEW]
Better UI [NEW]
Bug fixed for start on startup [NEW]
Can be started or stopped using UI
No need to keep minimized
Eats up negligible resources in the background
Sensitivity can be changed
Timer Interval for fetching of data from G-Sensor can be changed
Rotates screen orientation according to the postion of the device
Can be minimized to serve it's function everywhere
Compatible with Windows Mobile 5.0 and later with G-Sensor

.Net CF v3.5

Mirror 1