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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Megasoft2000 TimeRule 1.2

License: Free
Price: Free

«My holiday is in …», «My working day is over in …», «I haven’t been smoking for…», «We have been working on the project for…», «I am on a diet for…», «it’s been … since our wedding», «The next loan pay off is in…» Would you like to have the answers to these questions right on the Today Screen of your PDA? This program, then, is for you! It is a Today plug-in, which enables the time passed from or up to any event important for you appear on Today Screen of your PDA. It's possible to create up to 15 events and simultaneously continuously control them.

# Up to 15 simultaneously controlled events
# Three view modes
# Possibility of creating a new appointment for future events in Outlook calendar
# VGA full support
# Square (240x240) display support
# Landscape mode support.

System Requirements
Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003 (SE), Windows Mobile 5 devices.