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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

SMS Minder v1.3.5.3

License: Free
Price: Free

SMS Minder replies to SMS for you automatically with the message you set.

Simply open SMS Minder, set the message that you wish to send to anyone that text's you and minimize the application.

- Auto reply to received SMS messages.
- Blacklist contacts that would be replied to via SMS.
- SMS reply to missed calls with the ability to filter out the first two digits of their phone number. Useful when you'd like to exclude national rate phone numbers.
- Whitelisting for replies to SMS.

If you have been having problems getting SMS Minder to work, this is probably due to missing dependencies. These should be on the device, but with certain builds of Windows Mobile, they may be missing.

Download the package (942 KB) with added dependencies (only needed if you have problems).

Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1


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Расскажите, пожалуйста, какими духами используете вы. Особенно в случае в случае если вы храните верность каким то одним духам.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

решил помочь и разослал пост в соц. закладки. надеюсь поднимется популярность.

Anonymous said...

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